Supply Chain Audits

Minimize risk in your value chain.

APCER Avaliacao de fornecedores

What audit are you looking for?

APCER provides a set of internal and supplier auditing services to qualified auditors anywhere in the world. Evaluate the compliance of your products, services, processes and / or systems according to your needs.

Supplier Audit
Auditoria a Fornecedores
Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit
amfori BSCI
Business Social Compliance Initiative
amfori BSCI
Social Labour & Convergence Program
Internal Audit
Auditoria Interna

Partners and Recognitions

Supplier Audit

We develop solutions for you

Auditoria a Fornecedores
About Supplier Audits

As a result of its extensive experience and knowledge in auditing in various sectors and according to a large number of national and international normative references, APCER has a team technically qualified to develop solutions according to the specifications of each organization.

Here are some examples of topics that, among others, can be incorporated into supplier assessment:

  • Social Responsibility
  • Sustainable Purchases
  • Circular economy
  • Food safety
  • Legal compliance
Why audit your suppliers?

Demonstrate an ethical and responsible commitment;

Ensure fair working conditions;

Understand the different levels of supplier performance and associated risk;

Be an active part in the process of improving suppliers;

Strengthen Brand values.


Capacity and competence in the development of customized solutions;

Highly qualified auditors;

Dedicated Client Manager;

Detailed reports and information relevant to the organization.


Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit

About SMETA audits

SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) is a global membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains.

Sedex is home to one of the world’s leading collaborative platforms for buyers, suppliers and affiliate audit companies to store, share and report on information quickly and easily. It helps more than 50,000 members in over 150 countries to work together to better manage their social and environmental performance, and implement measure to protect people, the environment and their business. APCER is an AAC (Affiliate Audit Company) of SEDEX.


SMETA audits can be two-pillar or four-pillar:


Two Pillars

The two mandatory pillars for all SMETA audits are Labour Standards and Health and Safety, under which the following criteria are assessed:

  • Universal Rights covering UNGP;
  • Management Systems and Code Implementation;
  • Freely Chosen Employment;
  • Freedom of Association;
  • Health & safety;
  • Child Labour and Young Workers;
  • Wages & Benefits;
  • Working Hours;
  • Discrimination;
  • Regular Employment;
  • Harsh or Inhumane treatment;
  • Entitlement to work;
  • Environment;
  • Community Benefits.


Four Pillars

The two additional pillars in a 4-pillar audit include environmental requirements, in a more extensive form, and business ethics requirements, which go into greater detail on the social responsibility aspect of SMETA audits..

Why perform a SMETA audit?

Demonstrate a commitment to ethics and responsibility;

Ensure fair working conditions;

Demonstrate compliance with applicable legislation;

Establish profitable long-term relationships with suppliers, customers and other stakeholders;

Reinforce Brand values.


Speed in audit planning;

Issuance of the report in a short time;

Highly qualified auditors;

Dedicated Client Manager.

amfori BSCI

Business Social Compliance Initiative

amfori BSCI
About amfori BSCI

APCER conducts amfori BSCI Audits on a global scale.

Based in Brussels, amfori is the world’s leading business association for transparent and sustainable trade.

Since 2003, amfori BSCI has been helping companies to negotiate and deal with purpose, improving social performance throughout their supply chain.

amfori BSCI’s Code of Conduct is based on the most important international labour standards, such as the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Conventions on the rights of the child and elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the United Nations Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Entreprises and other internationally recognised ones.

The Code of Conduct defines 11 fundamental labour rights which participants and their business partners are committed to implementing throughout their supply chains using a step-by-step development approach. It applies to companies of all sizes which are located anywhere in the world, and it includes all types of products.

To help with the implementation, BSCI is developing a wide range of tools and activities for training, sharing information, monitoring and influencing change.

For more information visit

Why perform an amfori BSCI audit?

Demonstrate a commitment to ethics and responsibility;

Ensure fair working conditions;

Demonstrate compliance with applicable legislation;

Establish profitable long-term relationships with suppliers, customers and other stakeholders;

Reinforce Brand values.


Speed in audit planning;

Issuance of the report in a short time;

Highly qualified auditors;

Dedicated Client Manager.

Internal Audit

Compliance assessment of processes, products, services and systems

Auditoria Interna
ABout Internal Audits

Internal audits, also called first part audits conducted by a third party, are a tool through which organisations can objectively assess the level of implementation of policies and procedures and come to a conclusion regarding their performance.

Conducting internal audits by an independent entity ensures greater effectiveness in the audit process while freeing up the organization's resources to focus on its core functions.

Client Benefits:

Monitor the performance of the organization taking into account its specific characteristics;

Evaluate the conformity of policies and procedures implemented;

Identify actions that promote continuous improvement.


Social Labour & Convergence Program

About SLCP verification

The Social & Labor Convergence Program is a multi-sector, non-profit initiative that aims to eliminate audit fatigue in global supply chains and improve the social and working conditions of companies in these chains. It is applicable to the textile, clothing and footwear industries.

This program provides the tools and system to assess and communicate a comparable set of data on working conditions in organizations that can be used by all industry stakeholders.

Organizations are assessed based on the Converged Assessment Framework (CAF). Social and labor data are collected that can replace other current audit methodologies.

CAF is based on a Data Collection Tool and a verification methodology: together, they provide the necessary tools to produce a set of verified data on social and working conditions in factories. Companies may share this verified data with business partners, including brands and standards holders. Thus, no additional data collection (audits) will be required.


Joining the SLCP involves three steps:
  1. Self-assessment carried out by the organization, or a joint assessment with external assistance, by answering questions about the conditions of its facilities.
  2. Independent verification of data by SLCP approved verifiers (includes site visit and reporting).
  3. Uploading the verified data to a secure portal, where users authorized by the SLCP can access the data with the organization's permission.
Benefits of the SLCP verification:

Increase transparency in supply chains;

Reduce the need for repetitive, duplicate, and short-term social audits;

Redistribution of organizational resources to improve working conditions.


Fast audit planning;

Issuance of the report in a short period of time;

Highly competent auditors;

Dedicated customer manager.

APCER is an approved verification body to carry out SLCP verifications;

Extensive experience in carrying out social responsibility audits and is an effective member of APSCA

Our integrated services

Learn more about our certification, audit and training services.

Supply Chain Audits
APCER Avaliacao de fornecedores
APCER compliance
Environment, Social, Governance
Forestry Sector
APCER forest
APCER formacao
Food Safety
APCER seg alimentar
Information Security
APCER segurança info
Management Systems, Products and Services
APCER serviços sistemas
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