eIDAS Regulation

eIDAS Regulation (EU) N°910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market

Audit Attestation Letters

APCER is a conformity assessment body (CAB) accredited according to eIDAS regulation to issue conformity assessment reports (CAR).

According to the Common Certificate Authority Database (CCADB) Policy, under 5.1 Audit Statement Content, an Audit Attestation Letter (AAL) must be issued upon the results of the CAR, and uploaded to the CAB’s website.


The list of AAL issued by APCER is shown below:



Issued on

MULTICERT - Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S.A.

Qualified certificates for Electronic Signatures

MULTICERT - Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S.A.

Qualified certificates for Electronic Seals

MULTICERT - Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S.A.

Qualified certificates for Time Stamps

MULTICERT - Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S.A.

Qualified certificates for website authentication

MULTICERT - Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S.A.

Non-Qualified certificates for electronic signatures

MULTICERT - Serviços de Certificação Electrónica, S.A.

Non-Qualified certificates for website authentication

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